its-here.jpgElizabeth posting in the Amazon Forum thread about the Kindle 3, quoted an answer she said she received when she asked, though she didn’t say who gave the information, but it was an email reply.

It looks good. Here is what Elizabeth wrote:

‘ I asked a few days ago before they upped the date on the product page, here is what they replied per e-mail:

Orders placed before 8 p.m. Pacific Time on August 1st will still ship by the August 27th release date.
Orders placed before 10 p.m. Pacific Time on August 5th will ship on or before September 4th.
Orders placed before 12 p.m. Pacific Time on August 12th will ship on or before September 8th.
Orders placed after 12 p.m. Pacific Time on August 12th will ship on or before September 12th. ‘

Many will have noticed that any Kindle 3 order, made at this point (starting yesterday), will now be expected to ship on September 17.

Via Andrys Basten’s A Kindle World Blog


  1. Here’s what was posted:

    “From Amazon FAQs 11AM Aug 23

    Will my order for a Kindle (Latest Generation) ship on August 27?

    If you placed an order before 8 p.m. PST on August 1st, your order will still ship by the August 27th release date.”

  2. I wrote Amazon and asked if changing my shipping speed will affect my place in line on back-order and I received the following reply:


    Changing shipping speed will not affect your place in line and also estimated ship date.

    Your Kindle will be shipped according to when it was ordered:

    Orders placed before 8 p.m. Pacific Time on August 1st are expected to ship by the August 27th release date.
    Orders placed before 10 p.m. Pacific Time on August 5th are expected to ship on or before September 4th.
    Orders placed before 12 p.m. Pacific Time on August 12th are expected to ship on or before September 8th.
    Orders placed before 11 p.m. Pacific Time on August 19th are expected to ship on or before September 10.
    Orders placed after 11 p.m. Pacific Time on August 19th are expected to ship on or before September 17.

    I’ve checked your account and see that you have placed order on August 15, 2010 and it will be expected to ship on or before September 10.

    You will not be charged for your order until your Kindle enters the shipping process.

    We hope you enjoy your Kindle.

  3. Hey Rick,

    That’s great news! My wife ordered the kindle 3 for my Birthday on August 4th as well. (Amazon currently shows it’s processing for shipment).

    But she used free super saver shipping. I’m curious where they’re shipping from? I”m in Seattle so if they’re shipping it from here I should have it shortly as well, but if it’s coming from the east coast or something I may have a long wait.

    Can anyone check their shipping box to see where the return address is from?

  4. I just got my Kindle today, September 9th, shipped by 2nd day UPS. I got the white one. I had a Jetbook Lite, but I was having problems with the screen so I sold it on ebay. The Kindle screen is nicer than the Jetbook Lite and the screen refresh is livable. It is a relief to finally have it, I was anxious. For those of you who are still waiting, I hope you get yours soon and feel relieved like I do.

  5. Got an order update on Saturday (9/11) that it was being prepared for shipping with an estimated date of arrival of Sept 16, but today I got a shipped notification saying estimated arrival is tomorrow Sept 13. It seems they are catching up with orders now that their units are in.

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