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Kindle 3s are now sold out. Orders placed today are expected to ship around September 4. Of course we don’t know how many were produced, so we don’t know what to make, if anything, of this.


  1. The Motley Fool, normally a big Amazon booster, came out with an interesting article right when the new Kindle came out criticizing the timing of this move. They noted that the 30-day return policy gives anyone who recently ordered Kindle 2s (quite a few people, if we believe the 3x growth rate following the price cuts story) an incentive to return those now and just order the new Kindle 3 at the same price instead. They might have sold out before new customers even had a chance to look at the new version.

  2. based on the activity in the kindle fora, it looks as if there are going to be a fair number of new adopters with this device generation; but a *great* many current owners are upgrading their hardware — some from their k1’s, but a significant number from their k2’s as well. the number of upgraders in the mix makes it difficult to estimate the number of first-time adopters. perhaps i’m not the only one more interested in that piece than in amazon’s earnings/sales volumes.

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