image Up to now I’ve managed to fight the temptation to go crazy and buy every Kindle edition that looks appealing.

Every time I see that "Buy" button I tremble a bit, and then I scroll further up the screen and hit "Try a Sample" instead.

Yes, as of right this minute, I’ve only bought two Kindle editions but I’ve downloaded sample content from 15 other books. The only reason I bought those two is because they passed muster after I read their sample downloads.


I’ll probably pick up the purchasing pace here in a bit, especially since I have a couple of upcoming flights I want to get ready for, but I’m starting to realize that my purchases will only come after I read the sample material. By the way, after reading samples from two other books I thought I was interested in, I quickly realized they’re not for me. Delete and delete.

I’m not the sort of person to sit down and read the first 20 pages of a book in the bookstore, so I’ve bought my share of duds over the years. Thanks to the Kindle sample download feature I’ll bet my disappointment rate will drop to zero (or close to it) going forward. Very nice.


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