Screen shot 2011 03 08 at 3 34 10 PM

New features:

  • Use the built-in dictionary to seamlessly look up the definitions of English words without interrupting your reading.
  • Real page numbers for thousands of books in the Kindle Store. Now you can easily reference and cite passages, and read alongside others in a book club or class.
  • If several other readers have highlighted a particular passage, then that passage will be highlighted in your book.
  • Choose whether you’d like to browse your library in a tile view or in a list view.


  1. Wasn’t the sharing feature mentioned in an earlier post? I was about to download the update, but there was no indication whether sharing could be turned off. I do *not* want to see other people’s highlights. I deliberately avoid used print books that other people have marked up; why would I want to see that in my ebooks?

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