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A Kindle World Blog has a set of tips for the Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire.  Here’s a snippet:

Re the Kindle Touch: Be sure to see the first article on what you can do with some of the features on this unit, with basic tips on the changes and certain unexpected aspects encountered when using the Kindle Touch.

Encountering a screen with nothing but book text and no button icons One thing for new users to be aware of — you’ll often be greeted with a screen of book text only, and with no clue about what to do.  I’ve seen that this has confused some reviewers who didn’t spend enough time with the user’s guide.  But it IS anti-intuitive to have no small icon anywhere to let people click to get to even a basic item like a menu.   I really like the Kindle Touch, but this has to be noted.”

Much, much more at A Kindle World blog.


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