
That’s the subject of an article at the always-excellent A Kindle World Blog, by Andrys Basten.  Here’s a bit of it:

Now, I’ve been asked a lot about whether to get a Kindle or a Nook Touch.  I had bought a Nook Color on sight at my B&N (and used it daily for a year) but am not keen on the Nook Simple Touch because its many font faces and size choices displayed much lighter than what I’m used to seeing with the Kindle 3 Keyboard and Touch models.  B&N wouldn’t allow me to photograph them side by side so I could have something more to go on than my personal reaction.  But the relative lightness was described in some magazine reviews and they’ve recently improved the darkness level, I read.  The darkness of fonts is important to me, and I was among those who posted about the lightness of Kindle 2 fonts (and was quoted in Wired on the problem for some Kindle users).

Nook and its “no ads” statement
It’s said the Nook doesn’t have ads, but almost half the Nook’s Home screen is comprised of recommendations from B&N as to what you might like to read.  I’m one that doesn’t want books I haven’t chosen to buy, appearing on my home screen like that and, to me, they are ads, and others have felt that way.

Nook Touch advantages over Kindle Touch
However, in response to those who ask, there are things many have preferred on the Nook (though The Nook Touch is NOT available globally nor can people outside the U.S. buy Nook books — which is not a small point, especially when U.S. Nook owners can’t buy Nook books for their devices while traveling outside the U.S. …

Much more in the article.


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