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From the press release:

Kobo, a global leader in eReading with over 4.2 million users worldwide, offers one of the largest digital German-language book stores, localized apps for both the iOS and the Android platform, and the new Kobo eReader Touch Edition is now available in German.  Since its launch in July, Kobo offers more than 80,000 German language titles and a total of 2.5 million eBooks, making it the largest eBookstore in Germany.  The German store, managed by the German Kobo team, features popular titles that include the Perry Rhodan Series, Stieg Larsson‘s “Verdammnis,” “Der ultimative Ratgeber fur alles” (Dieter Nuhr) and “Die Frau an seiner Seite” (Heribert Schwan).

To mark the official launch into Germany, Kobo will have a booth at IFA where attendees can come and visit and experience Kobo for themselves by trying Kobo’s localized German Touch eReader first-hand.  Visitors to the booth can pick up a Kobo button for a chance to win one of 20 Kobo Touch eReaders’ to be given away during IFA.  Kobo’s booth is located in Hall 6.2, stand number 205.

Kobo’s Germany-specific eReader Touch Edition will be available at leading German retailers for euro 149 starting Oct 1, 2011.

“European readers have been looking for an eBook service that encompasses the full range of mobile devices, tablets, and eReaders – we are happy to step up and fulfill that need.  This announcement marks Kobo’s entry into the European market and an industry first.  In providing local content and reading experiences for European readers, Kobo continues to build on the vision of giving people around the world the freedom to read on any device, and share their love of reading with friends.” said Michael Serbinis, CEO, Kobo.

“We are excited to be able to deliver an end-to-end eReading experience to the German market and to be able to offer the largest German eBook selection to the German consumer,” continued Serbinis.  “We remain focused on delivering the best and most innovative eReading experience to deliver on our goal of making eReading available to everyone, everywhere around the world.  Kobo continues to move forward with our country-specific upcoming entries into Spain, France, Italy and The Netherlands and remains focused on delivering a first-in-class experience to the European eReading community.”


Kobo offers free German-language apps for iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® and Android™, and an eReading app for  PlayBook™, the Kobo apps deliver a next-generation reading experience to users.  Kobo’s German store will be launching in early October and can be found at www.kobobooks.de with German-language best sellers, the hottest new releases and classics that are part of the 80,000 title German eBook library. Kobo will be launching a fully integrated German website experience in the beginning of October.


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