Kobo_Logo.pngThe app has added the following new features:

• Retina Display: The iPhone 4’s high-quality screen makes reading easier on the eyes.
• Multitasking Functionality: Users stay connected to Kobo while performing tasks such as texting and email.
• Rich Text & Images: Read books in their original format as ePubs and select from different font sizes and styles.
• Bookmark Syncing: Kobo for iPhone automatically syncs a user’s last read page across all of their devices so users can pick up where they left off from device to device.
• Multiple Bookmarks: ‘Dog ear’ favorite pages in several books to easily come back and continue reading later. Kobo will also store the date and time of the last bookmark.
• Easier navigation: Kobo now includes the ability to advance pages and chapters in a book without losing one’s place.


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