has compiled a handy list for last-minute shoppers. Hey, suits the medium! Remember, too, the public domain possibilities available free via Project Gutenberg, 10,000 eBooks and the Black Mask e-store. Some suggestions from KnowBetter: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, On The Twelfth Day Of Hanukkah, My Muses Gave To Me by Steven David Horwich, and The e Before Christmas by Matthew Beaumont.


  1. Hi
    I notice you’re recommending my ebook, On The 12th Day of Hanukkah. Could you tell me about yourself, please? Are you planning on selling the book, as it is currently unavailable, and if so, what terms would you be offering?

  2. Thanks, Steven, but if you’ll look at the posting date, you’ll see it’s a 2003 item—five years old. The item simply passed along KnowBetter’s rec. We don’t sell books except via ads from Amazon and the rest. Sorry you’re out of print. Best of luck with future editions! David

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