imageOK, gang, a little Apple-ology this morning. It’s a harmless game, a cousin of the Kremlinology, except that I doubt Steve Jobs has nukes. Yet.

While earlier rumors waft around about the so-called iSlate, DigiTimes now says Apple has ordered a ten-inch display from the Innolux subsidiary of Taiwan’s Foxconn Group after having troubles earlier finding one with glass strong enough. The quest for the right display set back the launch, supposedly, until the first quarter of 2010. The tablet’s main manufacturer is said to be Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai Precision Industry).

DigiTimes or at least a source talks about a January 2010 launch “with mass shipments to start in March or April, based on analysis of the shipping schedules of Apple’s upstream component partners.”

Complicating the guessing game is a story in MacRumors, picked up from Taiwan’s Economic Dail, that Cheng Uei Precision Industry will be making connectors for the tablet for shipping in the third quarter of 2010.

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