leatherboundIf there was ever a site whose URL sounded less worksafe than it actually is, leatherbound.me must surely qualify. As TechCrunch notes , this site is a search engine with a very specific purpose: to compare prices for a given e-book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.

It’s not perfect—book titles with special character in them, such as Nick Bilton’s I Live in the Future & Here’s How It Works, can cause it to be unable to produce results. And in fact thanks to an influx of traffic from LifeHacker, TechCrunch, and Wired, the search is working extremely slowly at the moment—in fact, it’s not actually pulling up any prices at all.

But as TechCrunch points out, it was built in 48 hours as part of a Ruby on Rails competition, so it’s not surprising it might be a little shaky.


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