From MacworldScreen shot 2011-01-21 at 11.35.09 AM.png, which discusses the launch of the 2.0 version of the app:

The most intriguing addition, though, may be McSweeney’s new e-bookstore. Offerings are limited—the latest issue of the magazine is available for $1, but just four other books are available, including the 1988 debut novel of acclaimed writer Michael Chabon, Mysteries of Pittsburgh. (The books range in price from $6 to $15.) Rather than shove different texts into a standardized format—like the iBooks or Kindle apps—each book in McSweeney’s features its own customized illustrations and typesetting, part of an effort to ensure that, as the developer says, “e-books do not need to be depressing or ugly.” The downside? If you’re a reader who has bad eyes, you’re out of luck if you want to bump up the text size.


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