Image4.jpgFrom the release:

Effective November 19, 2010 Michael Smith will be leaving the IDPF to pursue other opportunities in the digital book space.

Mike has volunteered to work with the IDPF through its recruiting efforts and transition to a new Executive Director. It is hoped that this transition will be completed by early January 2011.

Michael says: “It has been a pleasure to speak, work, and communicate with IDPF Membership these last three years. The growth of international participation within the IDPF, the burgeoning eBook community, and the continued adoption of EPUB across the globe indicate the best is yet to come for digital publishing. It has truly been an honor to work with and for you. Also want to thank past and present IDPF Board Members for their support and guidance during these very dynamic and exciting times.”

The IDPF Board of Directors appreciates the hard work Mike has put in over the past three years, particularly with membership growth, expansion of the annual Digital Book event, international outreach efforts, and most recently facilitating the early development of the EPUB 3.0 standard to support enriched and interactive media. The Board gives heartfelt thanks to Michael for all of his accomplishments and wishes him the best.

The formal job description and start of the search process for the new Executive Director will be posted on Wednesday November 10th. Interviews will start on November 29th, with the selection announcement expected on December 10th.

Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


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