
On Friday, we posted about the launch of the Mexican Digital Library (MDL).

Art Daily has a bit more about the MDL in this article:

Promoted by the National Council for Culture and Arts (Conaculta), the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), the National General Archives (AGN) and the Centro de Estudios de Historia de Mexico (CEHM-Carso), the web page of the library was presented on November 24th 2010, with a digital collection of nearly 20 historical documents safeguarded by these institutions, dated from 500 to 1949 of the Common Era.

The mentioned institutions collaborated with the Mexican Digital Library with the aim of integrating a database that reunites the Mexican documentary richness, to be consulted from any part of the world.

During the presentation of the electronic site, in the presence of Consuelo Saizar, president of Conaculta, these Mexican codices gone digital were highlighted: Chavero de Huejotzingo, Colombino, Huamantla, Sigüenza and Matricula de Tributos, all in the custody of INAH.

Direct to the Mexican Digital Library (in Spanish):

Read the Complete Article With More Details from Art Daily


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