image image Check out a post from Neelan Choksi at Lexycle, who discusses the Stanza-BooksOnBoard interface. Along the way he shares an interesting stat:

"We believe over 3 million ePub books have been downloaded to Stanza."

Meanwhile Lori James at All Romance eBooks, another retailer offering ePub via Stanza, tells us of an interface improvement to help address Jane Litte’s concerns expressed in our comment area.

For newcomers: Stanza is an e-reader for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It allows direct downloads of e-books—not quite as easily as the Kindle, but I suspect it’ll reach that point in the near future. ePub is the e-book standard from the International Digital Publishing Forum, the leading e-book trade group.

Related: Lexcycle’s Marc Prud’hommeaux on the issue of backups of Stanza-BoB downloads—plus Stanza tips for bookstores and writers and Stanza-BooksOnBoard-Samhain: Direct downloads already working.


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