Morning LinksWill eBook adoption Flatten out at 30%  of the Market?
(Dear Author)

Ann Patchett on books’ future: “I think we’ll be just fine.”
(Palm Beach Post)

Three e-reading tools I wish existed (Paid Content)

German Book Retailers Team Up Against Amazon with New eReader (Reuters)

The Three Most Important Lessons We Can Learn From B&N’s Nook Setback (Eoin Purcell)

Kindle Daily Deals: The Fifth Knight by E.M. Powell


  1. I think that it is unfortunate that German book retailers think that further Balkanizing the market is an effective strategy against Amazon, B&N and Apple controlling what is available to German readers. The only way to have a truly open market is to drop DRM.
    The same goes for Kaura Hazard Owen’s wish list. It’s DRM that is frustrating the desire to engage in social reading. DRM also frustrates academic research into literature by blocking multi-file searching. Imagine a researcher who wants to examine all of the fiction published in the last six months to see if certain themes are evident. This should be easy with digital documents but DRM makes it impossible.

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