traditional publishing horror storiese-Reader Retail Display Stands from Around the World (GoodeReader)
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Sony all sell their devices in bookstores, big box stores and in different tech shops all over the world. Today, we take a walk around the world and see how different brands invest in retail visibility and laugh at some of the feeble attempts.

How Common Are Traditional Publishing Horror Stories? (Digital Book World)
Such horror stories often seem pervasive, and they easily become rallying cries for self-publishing and the greater control it provides authors. Are these tales of dissatisfaction with traditional publishing notable exceptions, or are they the norm?

The Most Anticipated Books of Spring 2014 (Publishers Weekly)
Culled from the 14,000+ titles in PW’s Spring Announcements issue (on newsstands now and available in full here), we asked our reviews editors to pick the most notable books publishing in Spring 2014. Links to reviews are included when available.

4 Reasons the Tablet market is Far From Dead (GigaOM)
Just four years in and already some are saying the tablet market has peaked. It’s easy to draw that conclusion if you look at slowing and seasonal sales numbers but there are several reasons it’s too soon to dismiss the potential of tablets.

Kindle Daily Deals: Relic (and others)


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