From NAEB‘s James B. Franks:

cybookgen3hand We have reached another milestone. On Friday we transferred the funds to Bookeen for our first 100 Cybooks.  We expect them to ship from France the middle of next week.

E-Online has told us that as soon as we provide shipping details, they will release the funds being held by them. In the meantime they will reactivate NAEB’s account so we can clean up the problems from PayPal. This was suppose to happen Friday, but we are still getting error messages. We should have this fixed early next week.

Everyone who originally processed their payment through PayPal still has their Cybook reserved.  We will hold them until we get our technical problems resolved, or you tell us you are no longer interested.

I’ve reopened the store for those who are willing to pay by check or money order. We are now taking new orders for the 2nd 100 units to ship later this month.

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