Last month we reported that the NAEB’s club for Cybook buyers was winding down. Here’s the official announcement. Sad news. Thanks, guys, for the try. Image is of an old NAEB ad. – D.R.

image This is the official announcement of NAEB’s closing.

We really didn’t want it to end this way, but the finances and the numbers we need just weren’t there and it only promised to get worse.

What shape are NAEB’s finances in?

We’ve paid back all debts and just about broken even, it’s not going to get any better than that for us.

The end of our story was pretty much written when it proved impossible for us to function as a buyers club. What would have been possible financially under that scenario had to be switched to a retail version and we just weren’t funded to do that.

Despite some generous help, for which we were and are sincerely grateful, we cannot continue as a viable project.

So here’s what’s going to happen.

Those of you who check the NAEB forum will notice that it’s still there. It’s going to be there for another year. We’ll keep up-to date on what Bookeen is doing and we’ll be able to answer Cybook questions and help with any problems you post.

Otherwise, this a wind down that will see NAEB end its LLC registration over the next week or two and close out all of our accounts.

I can’t really say it’s been fun, more often then not it was alarming, but it was deeply interesting and, yes, at times it was exhilarating.

To all of you who joined with us our thanks, you made NAEB a fascinating possibility.


Derek (delphid)
Jim (Penty)

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