e-paper version of CybookA reborn Cybook, presumably using e-paper of one kind or another, is on the way. That’s good news for those of us who don’t like to be bound to proprietary formats.

Laurent Pickard and Michaël Dahan at Bookeen did their best to offer users of the LCD-based Cybooks as many formats as they could. What a shame that Microsoft and eReader and Adobe were less cooperative than Mobipocket, which did show up on the old Cybooks.

You can sign up on the Bookeen home page to receive e-mail updates on the forthcoming Cybook.

The formats I’d most like to see: HTML, RTF, TXT the IDPF format (even if people haven’t agreed yet on DRM standards—said to be on the way), Mobipocket (because it’s the best proprietary format right now for recreational reading), and Adobe PDF (for work-related reading). Let’s hope that this time around, the software vendors are more cooperative. Microsoft’s meaningful participation in the IDPF and agreement on DRM standards within the organization would go a long way toward helping small guys like Bookeen and reducing the hassles of buying and using e-books.


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