images.jpegCanadian Memidex has a convenient new bookmarklet for its dictionary. All you do it place the bookmarklet in your bookmark bar and then when you highlight a word you click on the bookmarklet and you’ll get a definition. I’ve tried it on my Mac in Safari and it works just fine. According to the press release I received it will also work with Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer (version 6 or later). Looking at the preferences I see that it has a number of web modes to support various browsers, including handheld devices, optional auto-suggest and an optional adult filter. It uses the WordNet database and according to the release “several features have been added or exposed and tens of thousands of additions and corrections have been applied to the initial database.”

You can check it out here.


  1. I have no idea if you knew this or not but since you’re on a Mac, assuming you’re running a recent OS version, you can get this same functionality without worrying about the web at all… it works in just about any app. Highlight a word of interest and hit ctrl+command+d and a popup with a definition and a button for the full dictionary app comes up.

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