Screen shot 2011 05 02 at 9 10 01 AM

Articles Include in This Issue:

Curation Micro-Services: A Pipeline Metaphor for Repositories
by Stephen Abrams, Patricia Cruse, John Kunze, David Minor

Building a DDC-annotated Corpus from OAI Metadata
Mathias Lösch, Ulli Waltinger, Wolfram Horstmann, Alexander Mehler

Preserving repository content: practical tools for repository managers
Miggie Pickton, Debra Morris, Stephanie Meece, Simon Coles, Steve Hitchcock

Archival description in OAI-ORE
Deborah Kaplan, Anne Sauer, Eliot Wilczek

Diversity and Interoperability of Repositories in a Grid Curation Environment
Andreas Aschenbrenner, Harry Enke, Thomas Fischer, Jens Ludwig

Via INFOdocket


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