Video of an interesting new device for reading.  Some usability problems have been reported. Hopefully will be fixed in the upcoming firmware update. The company hasn’t published the specs yet, but some features immediately jump out:

  • Excellent battery life
  • Doesn’t seem to include DRM
  • Tech support seems high-quality
  • Transfer of reading material from one person to another seems error-free

(Thanks, Anne Gentle)


  1. Is my watch broken, is it really April 1st?! Or is someone else so behind the times that they JUST got this video link to a cute joke that’s been ‘out there’ for over a year, and couldn’t wait for next April 1st?

  2. I remember seeing this video some time ago. It is great! (Being of 100% Norwegian ancestry made it even more interesting to me.)

    And David, no it is not a waste of time. Despite its obvious purpose at humor, it brings up a number of poignant insights.

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