image Will a new Sony Reader appear with WiFi in November? That’s the tantalizing rumor postedin an MR forum, based on a clerk’s comments at a Sony Style store in New York?

Here’s one idea for Sony. Don’t just offer WiFi capabilities in the unit. Also also let independent retailers pay to use the same networking arrangements—and maybe even allow combined searches and encourage the retailers to specialize in addition to offering general collections. Perhaps digitization costs could be split up. In other words, Sony in effect could crowd-source the creation of a second Amazon Kindle store and outdo the original. I rather doubt that Sony would do this, and I don’t know what the legal situation would be. But it’s an intriguing idea.

Meanwhile what’s this about the possibility of Mac software for the Sony Reader library program?

(Via Mike Cane.)


  1. With publishers using ePub, the Reader has *already* broken away from the Amazon single-store model. No one need ever buy from Sony’s eBook store in BBeB format. Sony deserves some real credit here.

    And judging from the hits my new Reader rumor post has gotten, there is *still* a *ton* of interest in the Reader, *especially* by Mac owners.

  2. This Comment got eaten by a Prxy Error msg. Let’s see if #2 makes it through:

    With publishers using ePub, the Reader has *already* broken away from the Amazon single-store model. No one need ever buy from Sony’s eBook store in BBeB format. Sony deserves some real credit here.

    And judging from the hits my new Reader rumor post has gotten, there is *still* a *ton* of interest in the Reader, *especially* by Mac owners.


    PS: I hope Google gets Chrome plug-ins going. I *hate* using Fox for teleread. It is so sloooow!!

  3. Mike, I share your frustration. I’ve submitted a trouble ticket to Webfaction, the hosting service involved. If WF doesn’t shape up, the TeleBlog will move on after Robert returns from Europe.

    As for Sony, I’m not just talking about the ePub format and the multistore approach but rather about aggregated searches and help with wireless connections for independent vendors. That’s MUCH more than is happening now.


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