TigerDirect is now selling Nokia N770s for $139.99. The price undercuts the $143.99 deal at Buy.com, which, however, includes free budget shipping, at least in the States. I don’t see the “refurbished” or “used” in the ad, but it wouldn’t hurt to check, as Deanna has cautioned about such offers. Related: Earlier item on the N770, N800 and the Palm TX and our detailed N800 review and discussion.


  1. David,

    I would think that a refurbished N770 would be a better decision. I say this because so many people bought new deices from Woot only to get the WSOD (White Screen of Death). If it is a refurb then the kinks should be worked out. I bought a T-5 brand new and the power button had serious issues. So I sent it to Palm and what did I get? A refurb. I only had mine a week. So I could have saved some major money and got a refurb from the beginning. BTW the refurb looked and worked great. Not all refurbs are a good deal, just my 2 cents.


  2. Ellen, I’ve heard similar thoughts in the past, and you could well be right. it’s certainly something to ponder. I’m hoping mightily that my own unit–new, as far as I know–won’t be WSOD-prone. I hope other folks will speak out on the refurb issues! David

  3. David,

    I bought a N770 for my daughter and my husband from Woot. They haven’t had one problem. I kept it all very simple. No hacks! I installed what they wanted over a couple a days and left it at that. After I installed one application I let them play with it to make sure it was stable before adding another. I also told them not to turn it off, but to use the hard cover to put the device into suspend mode. I am not sure they always do this. One more thing. I never take the battery out, install themes on it, or remove the 2gb card. Instead I connect it to my PC to transfer files. HTH


  4. I too have had a $150 Nokia 770 for about a month without any problems. It has been to date an excellent e-reading device. Larger would be nicer, but not at a reduction in brightness or resolution. The display is wonderful. In my opinion, no Palm or PDA matchesl it. FBReader is quite versatile.

    Three questions for Ellen–

    1.) does the 770 recognize 2 GB RS-MMC cards without coaxing? I had thought some hacking was required to get it to see anything larger tahn 1 GB.

    2.) why do you recommend not turning the device off?

    3.) how much of the memory card do you allocate to virtual memory?


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