images.jpegSmartphonemag is reporting this today. It looks as if the Nook will be updated before my Android phone is!

The author says that a B&N rep told him that Froyo was coming in January and it will give access to the Android market, a typical Android home screen and pinch/zoom in the browser. It is unclear whether the Nook will have access to the full market or just a subset of the market. The user interface will be switchable between the current Nook interface and an Android one. Performance and battery life will also be upgraded.


  1. David Carnoy has an update on this. As awesome as this would be, apparently it’s all just rumors and false reporting.

    The official story is still that the nookdeveloper market and 2.2 will be made available sometime early next year. The details that this will happen in January and that it will be the full android market were made up by Smartphonemag.

    January is believable, the full android market will almost certainly not happen because nookcolor does not have 3G.

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