That’s what The Bookseller is reporting.  Penguin’s ebook sales doubled in the first quarter of 2011 as compared to the 1st quarter of 2010.

… Penguin UK c.e.o. Tom Weldon predicted that e-books would make up 4% of Penguin sales in 2011, up from 1% on average in 2010. Penguin also announced at that time it was going to treble its investment in digital content in 2011 compared to 2010.


  1. I still read a lot of Penguin books from the library because of their prices. I would buy them if they were cheaper. Have a big backlog of other books to read which were reasonably priced so, despite the fact that I like a lot of Penguin authors, I don’t buy them at this time. I suspect that if they lowered the prices they would really see a surge in sales, more so than they have.

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