image The first Pixel Qi displays will go into “specialized tablet devices with multi-touch,” says Mary Lou Jepsen, head of the company, in announcing that the screens are in fact reaching production.

Hmm. Could she mean an e-book reader? If not, I’m guessing that this could happen in the very near future.

For the benefit of latecomers, Pixel QI screens are reportedly cheap—they can roll off LCD production facilities. Also, they have both color for regular laptop use and video and monochrome for low power consumption when e-booking. This photo from Slashgear shows the new display in section. Yes, in dimmer light, you can still use a backlight when reading although you’ll miss out on full power-savings.

You really want that E Ink machine as a holiday gift? Maybe. Just don’t ask for it without knowing that it may soon look déclassé to the technosnobbi (neologism alert).

Ahead I’ll reproduce the entire blog item:

Our first production batch of screens will be ready shortly. We will be ramping production scale over Q1 2010.

We can now announce that the first units are going into specialized tablet devices with multi-touch. Increasingly these screens will be super-slim, but some customers prefer the standard thickness.

During Q1 2010 we will make every attempt to allow a small number of our screens to be available to the DIY community. If possible please hold your individual requests until we post information on how to do this. We do hear you, but we are flat-out starting production this month. Individual requests will not be answered until we post information on how to do DIY orders.

Pixel Qi will be at CES in Las Vegas in early January supporting our customers. We can’t yet announce with whom we will be showing but hope to shortly.

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