
A new Beyond the Book podcast (#265) from the Copyright Clearance Center.

Here’s the Blurb From the BTB Web Page:

From the perspective of copyright, 2011 has been a year like so many others in the Digital Age. Suits and counter-suits over copyrighted text, music, film and video continue to fly in and out of court. The long-standing “Google Books” case is, for now, scheduled for trial in 2012, while the HathiTrust— a consortium of university libraries — has drawn a new lawsuit from authors for announcing plans to post online copyrighted texts that may or may not be “orphan works.”

A panel of IP experts and commentators offered their answers and insights into these compelling issues this morning at the Newseum in Washington, DC. Maria A. Pallante: The 12th Register of Copyrights and Director of the United States Copyright Office;Cecilia Kang: National technology reporter for the Washington Post; and Victor Perlman: General Counsel, American Society of Media Photographers spoke with CCC’s Chris Kenneally.

You can stream the podcast direct from the Beyond the Book web page. The podcast runs 77 minutes.

See Also: BTB #263: Google Book Settlement: Good Riddance or Lost Opportunity?

A conversation with:

  • Presenting their views were James Grimmelmann of New York Law School
  • Edward Rosenthal, whose firms represents the Authors Guild in their suit against the HathiTrust;
  • Attorney Mary Rasenberger, who from 2002-2008 served in the Copyright Office and the Office of Strategic Initiatives of the Library of Congress, and as director for the National Digital Preservation Program; and
  • Frederic Haber, general counsel, Copyright Clearance Center.

[Via INFOdocket]


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