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From ResearchBuzz.  More details at the site:

Princeton University has announced a new digitized collection that will go perfectly with your July 4th. Materials from the Sid Lapidus ’59 Collection on Liberty and the American Revolution have been digitized and are now available at The collection contains at this writing 179 items — books, phamplets, etc. There being only 179 items this collection is fairly easy to browse, but a nav on the left allows you to narrow down your browsing by contributor/creator, language (five of the works are in French), subject, genre (including pre-1800 works and ‘Controversial Literature’), and more.

If you remember history class many of these works are going to look familiar. There’s Thomas Paine’s ‘The Age of Reason,’ and ‘Common Sense,’ Blackstone’s ‘Commentaries on the laws of England,’ and John Adams’ ‘A defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America’. (Other notables include John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin.) Item pages include information on the date, printing, physical description, and in-library location, but click on ‘View Item,’ to see the item completely digitized.

(Via ResearchBuzz.)


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