From their news site:

Project Gutenberg of Canada Release their 500th eBook

canada.jpgForty Years of Song” by Emma Albani, first published in 1911. Emma Albani (1847-1930) was the first Canadian singer to gain a worldwide reputation, which is rather something considering the combination of Canada’s low population and remoteness for the time period. Think of how much “easier” it was for Piaf. “Easier” quotes because Edith Piaf did not have an easy time, but it was certainly easier for the world to find HER.

Our 400th Project Gutenberg eBook in Portuguese has just been released

portugal.jpgNovo Dicionario da Lingua Portuguesa, by Candido Figueiredo. Released as PG eBook #31552.

Thanks to Rita Farinha, Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team (This file was produced from image generously made available by National Library of Portugal (Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal).)


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