
From The Guardian:

Forward-thinking publishers no longer simply equate content with books. They also need to consider how to market or deliver their product across a range of digital channels, including downloads, mobile web, blogs, apps and social networks. Often, this will require publishers to think differently not only about their potential market, but also about how their content may need to be adapted and optimised. For the publishing industry, this is a huge paradigm shift with which many continue to struggle.

Making the transition from the traditional to the digital world requires publishers to recruit and retain talent with skills that are largely unfamiliar to them. Rather than simply understand how to create or sell books to retailers, publishing personnel must be able to understand multiple routes to market, communicate with different groups of customers and ensure that their content works across a range of channels. This shift in thinking affects every core competency in the publishing industry – from editorial to sales and production to marketing. …

Publishers will be looking for individuals who can move fluidly between print and online worlds, and who can spot opportunities to grow brands and distribute content across multiple channels. The best candidates will have a good awareness of the underlying technologies for delivering content and be able to think through potential business models that publishers can apply to sell their products.


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