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From the press release:

SAMURAI.JP, a quarterly magazine aimed at transmitting Japanese culture to the rest of the world, launched an electronic version in English on August 5. By providing true and revealing descriptions of Japanese culture, it seeks to deepen the understanding of people around the world about Japan. SAMURAI.JP hopes that its presentation of Japanese culture will also motivate Japanese people to think about their identity and tradition.


SAMURAI.JP  is not just another magazine about Japan. It aims to depict Japanese spirit to both Japanese people and foreigners, and that is what makes it different. Post-disaster Japan as seen today appears stalled with no way out. Japanese society is being tossed about only by what can be seen on the surface. Is Japan doomed and sinking? These thoughts have prompted the start of the SAMURAI.JP magazine.

Instead of grieving for the present state of Japan, we had better be aware of the fact that Japan is rich in culture which it should be proud of. And there are many people who create, nourish and preserve this culture. The spirit of being humble but strong, bold and yet delicate is the essence of traditional Japanese culture. Our magazine is aimed at communicating this samurai spirit and Japanese culture to people all over the world. We want to show the unknown Japan to foreigners and the somewhat forgotten traditional Japanese spirit to Japanese people. “Samurai spirit now more than ever!”

How to subscribe to SAMURAI.JP electronic version (English):
Please visit

Subscription fee: 1,200 yen per purchase
Publisher: General Incorporated Association SAMURAI.JP

For the US Zinio subscription go here.


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