Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 AM.pngFrom Shelf Awareness:

“I noticed during takeoff and landing that I didn’t have to turn off my book.”

–Author Margaret Coel, speaking at Saturday night’s Author Banquet for Literacy during MPIBA’s fall trade show in Denver. She shared a story about a Kindle-loving fellow airline passenger who told her that the book she was reading would soon be obsolete.


  1. Not an issue for me, I usually doze through takeoff anyway because I take anti-nausea medication (plus, I HATE flying!). Landings are a time for packing up but I do bring a magazine along as well as my Kindle. I’m too distracted and nervous to do any serious reading during landings.

    I bet that woman doesn’t have 400 books in her bag!

  2. I actually enjoyed the comment about not having to turn off the book. I don’t think that books are going to become obsolete. I really think that we are going to have both for awhile. At least until there is a waterproof and an unbreakable screen. If I drop a book in the bathtub I’m only out a few dollars depending if it’s paperback or hardback. Not taking my Kindle near the bathtub. Also tru if I drop my book from a great high. As a teacher, I’m just glad that people are reading. I don’t really care if it’s paper or electronic!

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