quick note.pngBooks-a-Million has now joined the fray with its won ebook store which will be running under Adobe Digital Editions.

In addition they are giving away a free ereader every day in July. You have to purchase an ebook to be eligible to win. Check it out here.


  1. The rules are quite funny though:

    1. Only open to the USA – once again, geographical restrictions rear their ugly head – the irony 🙂

    2. The reader is a Sony PRS 505 (which is a great reader btw) but it is listed as being worth $300 USD in the rules and I didn’t realize you could even buy them anymore.

  2. I’m not sure about other countries but in the US companies can’t require you to purchase something to enter a contest. Of course they also don’t have to make the alternative easy. According to their terms and conditions you can enter by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope with your information.

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