Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 AM.pngStarting on June 28 the Kindle will be sold at HMSHost branded airport stores – Simply Books and Authors Bookstores. The Kindles will be pre-charged and ready to go. According to the press release the airports that will be selling Kindles are: Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson, Charlotte Douglas, Dallas Ft. Worth, George Bush Houston, Miami International, Minneapolis St. Paul, John Wayne, Salt Lake City, San Diego International, Mineta San Jose, Tampa International


  1. I defnitely think that the Kindle electronic reader is really cool. I received one as a gift, and I have been glued to it ever since! I didn’t realize how many types of media are available. I now subscribe to a newspaper and two magazines, plus I have several books I downloaded, some were even free!

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