Screen shot 2010-08-10 at 12.03.52 PM.pngFrom the press release:

Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, is pleased to announce the publication of its first enhanced e-book, a movie tie-in to Wendelin Van Draanen’s highly acclaimed he-said, she-said teen romance FLIPPED, soon to be released nationwide as a major motion picture from Castle Rock Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures. On sale August 10th to time with the August 27th nationwide release of the film, the enhanced e-book retails for $14.99. …

The FLIPPED enhanced e-book movie tie-in will include an exclusive video feature about the making of the movie with behind-the-scenes footage and interviews from the director and cast as well as three original songs written and recorded by author Wendelin Van Draanen. It will also feature eight video clips of key scenes from the movie. With sixteen full-color photos from the film and four video interviews with the author, as well as a sneak peek of Van Draanen’s latest romantic comedy Confessions of a Serial Kisser, the enhanced e-book edition has much to offer fans and will appeal to readers of all ages.


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