e0bbc7c7e577dda99c16d3d3ba1d0ea1b39846c5-thumb.jpgOK, here’s the deal. Dona Fasano has written women’s fiction under her own name and romance novels under her pen name, Donna Clayton, for New York Publisher Harlequin Enterprises. She has written over 30 novels which have been translated into nearly 20 languages and have sold more than 3.5 million copies worldwide. The Merry-Go-Round is her first self-published novel. You can find it at Smashwords here.

Donna’s trying to get some publicity for her novel (which we all know isn’t easy) and we came up with the idea of offering 5 copies of the $2.99 ebook for free. But here’s the catch: you have to agree to write a short review and send it to me for publication here. By short, I mean it can be a couple of sentences, not whole tome, but it must be a legit review/comment on the book.

So email me and I’ll set you up with Donna who will provide a Smashwords coupon for her book. Here’s the blurb: When Lauren is in court it’s usually to defend a client, but now she’s divorcing the man whose mistakes have cost her far too much. Little does she know that she’ll be awarded a rundown merry-go-round. Maybe restoring the circus menagerie will bring her some normalcy. Or will it cause her to make some mistakes of her own and teach her a few lessons before bringing her back to where she started? The book contains content that may not be suitable for readers 17 and under.


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