
You don’t hear too much about the Sony Readers, but they are great units.  For anyone considering one, Chip Chick has a review:

In the e-reader world it seems like the Kindle and Nook have taken center stage, so it’s easy to forget that Sony was one of the first companies to jump on the e-reader bandwagon. One of their latest e-readers is the Sony Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T1WC. This 6″ e-reader sports a touchscreen display and Wi-Fi, and also claims to be the world’s lightest. Read on for our full review of the PRS-T1WC.

Overall, the Sony Reader Wi-Fi is an excellent top-of-the-line e-reader. It offers all of the “cutting-edge” features that you would want from an e-reader, including a touchscreen, built-in wireless, a web browser, and more. And all of this comes in a very lightweight and pretty stylish body. Unfortunately, the biggest challenge for Sony Reader Wi-Fi is that the Kindle and Nook brands have become household names, making it difficult to compete. But if you’re looking for an e-reader that is as lightweight as possible, yet packs in all the features you could want, there is no reason not to go with the Sony Reader Wi-Fi. The Sony Reader Wi-Fi is reasonably priced at $129.



  1. From SONY’s own website :

    Reader software is not supported by the following environments:
    -Personally built computer or operating system
    -Multi-boot environment
    -Multi-monitor environment

    Just how they expect to get away with that is beyond me. But sure, if you have two monitors on your computer, your e-reader stops working. Sounds fair enough.

  2. says:
    “the Sony PRS T1 is now on clearance at Best Buy. Almost every store that belongs to this American chain retails the Sony ereader for as low as $99.”

    Added to that the restricted access to eBook markets seems to make this device a nerd-only device imho.

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