
Editor’s Note:  While this post is not directly ebook related, I reprint it here, with Sarah’s permission,  because the idea can be easily adapted to the ebook world.  For example, a map of stores with Espresso Machines or a map of indie bookstores that also sell ebooks through Google Books.  PB

This is a project that’s been in the works for awhile, but it remains useful: the collaborative map of romance-friendly bookstores. With the closing of so many Borders outposts, many people are turning to other bookstores, but the problem with many Indie bookstores is that, to be frank, the people inside them can be snobbish asscheesy hosebeasts when it comes to romance. It’s sad, but true. So where do we shop for romance? Have a look:

View Smart Bitches Buy Romance in a larger map

Want to add your favorite romance-friendly bookstore to the map? We welcome used and new bookstores, as long as they have a good selection of romance and welcome romance readers. Here’s how to add your favorite:

Go to the Map on google.

In the upper right corner of the left column there’s a link to “Save to My Maps.” You’ll need to be signed in to Google to do that, though, FYI.


Once the map is one of your maps, you can save locations to it – and I hope that you will! Unless you’re a spammer, in which case, you kinda suck.

In the bar at the top, search for or enter the address for your favorite local bookstore. When you find it, click the placemarker on the map to get the window with menu options. Click ‘Save to.’


(Note: I’m using as an example a local bookstore that’s not on the map that isn’t a romance store. It’s just an example. But: they do stock trade fiction and books like the Evanovich series, though they don’t have a lot of romance, they have an outstanding children’s section, and the owner is among the best people I’ve ever met. She’s made of awesome.)

Select “Smart Bitches Buy Romance” – which should be among your map options since you’ve added it as one of your maps.


Or, you can follow these instructions which feature slightly different screenshots.

If you’re having trouble, or you are accessing the site from a computer that won’t let you sign in, you can email me or leave a comment, and your favorite store will be added to the map. Happy shopping!

Reprinted with permission from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books


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