jungle.gifJungle Search has come a long way since we last reported on it. Their Advanced Kindle Search is a fantastic way to search for all sorts of Kindle books. The search engine will scour, at your choice, Amazon US, UK, Canada, Germany or France.

Not only do they have an very flexible search engine, they will also email you with the price drop of any ebook you enter. You can monitor prices from 30 to 120 days. A very nice touch is that if you want to order a book you can actually do it from the Jungle Search site as it pops up a box that clicks through directly to Amazon.

Additionally, the list, twice a day, free books for the Kindle. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see their explanation of search option. For example, you can search free non-public domain books, top selling free books, only public domain books, etc.

After looking at it again today I’ve added a link to them on my highly restricted Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar.


  1. Interestingly, when using the Jungle-Search search function for German books – where I am from, and I am a very active Kindle user – the results are only 921, and some of these are German authors with English titles.

    A better search for the available languages seems to be to search for “German Edition”. In this case we get 2.077 results and all of them are actually in German.

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