image Marcos Duran’s wireless Sony Reader Daily Edition arrived last night, and overall he’s given it a thumbs-up—see his comments here and here.

On the touchscreen: “The unit is beautiful. Display a little more sensitive to glare than I remember the Kindle being. Text is clear and sharp enough for my eyes.” He later says: “Screen refresh is acceptable. Screen keyboard works better than I thought because you dont need it to refresh the input area in order to keep typing. Compared to the Kindle the touchscreen is so much more natural to navigate the menu options and the books. Not having to toggle a stick to choose an option or a word is great. Flipping pages with a swipe works very well. To look up a word in the dictionary you double tap it with your finger. Need to learn how to highlight and take notes. So far feels great.”

image On the wireless: Marcos needed to do a reset for it to start working. “Now books download wirelessly. Store layout feels a bit emptier than Amazon’s. I would like more ways to browse. Initial wireless access if connection has been turned off or is in standby can take a while. But once connection is up, it is speedy.”

Any other community members have the Daily Edition yet. If so, what are your impressions? Discuss them here (scroll down). Among other things, I’m curious if people will be using the double-column landscape mode.


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