
That’s according to the Unofficial Blog Kindle:

Fans of the Sony Reader line, the earliest and at one time best eReaders brought to market in the US, may be somewhat disappointed to head that the current generation of Readers has been cut in its entirety.  While they have not been replaced at the Sony online store, all are listed as out of stock and there is a clearance sale going on for the few remaining accessories they have around. Admittedly this most recent Sony eReaders have failed to keep up with more functional competition like the Kindle and Nook, but an abrupt withdrawal from the market like this was unexpected.

According to the blog there is still no word on what will replace them.


  1. abrupt withdrawal from the market like this was unexpected. Not by anyone who knows Sony’s history. They’re very fond of dropping product lines that work very well, but don’t have the most popular current bells and whistles. They’re apparently incapable of mounting an ad campaign based on having high-quality products, instead of the newest, trendiest pack of features.

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