image Independent story here (via MobileRead). U.K. price of the Sony Reader—listed at around $300 in the States—isn’t known right now.

Other good news is that "rival Borders UK revealed sales of the e-book it launched in May are ahead of expectations." Hmm. News of the iLiad’s success would certainly contradict what we’d heard earlier. Great—although I’d like to know more about the definition of the S word.

Meanwhile, speaking of the U.K., keep in mind that some major publishers there will do ePub and there’s even talking in some cases of dropping DRM. I’ll go for that—especially with ePub being such a hit among iPod owners visiting the DRMless Feedbooks site. Will commercial publishers finally grasp the extent to which the ePub/no-DRM approach could boost sales? Don’t just let customers use it. Promote it! When people can buy e-books for real, they’ll take the medium much more seriously.


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