image I can stock my iPod Touch with my nonDRMed books in ePub and a whole bunch of other formats—thanks to the Stanza app and trimmings.

But not everyone is having my good luck. Check out complaints from Todd Jonz and others, then add your own observations on the pros and cons of Stanza, Keep in mind, of course, that’s it’s still in beta and is free.

Later today or tomorrow, I’ll ask Marc at Lexcyle to reply, unless he wants to jump in before then.

Here at the TeleBlog, reviews are just the start. We want community members to speak up so we can get the full picture.


  1. My extensive thoughts are here: (note that I haven’t reviewed the Windows version yet)

    Bottom line: I’m reserving judgment since it’s still in beta, but overall I like it. The main things it needs are:

    – Improved epub format support
    – ability to open several files at once (if I want to copy 142 books to my ipod, it takes forever opening each of them one at a time)
    – library management of some sort. I know it’s not what it’s meant for, but some kind of rudimentary list of books would be nice.

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