OSoft announcement from CEO Mark Carey:

The dotReader development team wants to hear from you—literally.

We are scheduling a series of live broadcasts in the coming weeks via Skypecast – a new FREE service by Skype v 3.0. What better way to leverage an open source project than through open discussion and communication!

We would like to chat with end users and developers and get feedback about the direction we are going, priorities, content creation tools, formats, etc. Basically, we want you to pick our brains and we want to pick yours. If you have a particular requirement, complaint, suggestion, or just need clarification… let’s talk about it. OR, you can join in and just listen. (Commercial competitors welcome.)

We are trying to work around the Holiday schedules of everyone and will let you know well in advance of the initial online meeting. It may be the first week of January before we can pull it all together.

Skypecast Requirements:
Skype 3.0 (available for download here)
Headset w/ microphone
Broadband connection

Please let us know the likelihood of joining our Skypecast and what subjects you would like us to talk about.
Participants would include:

Gary Varnell – OSoft’s CTO
Eric Wilhelm – Chief programmer and lead architect
Mark Carey – OSoft’s CEO
Jon Noring – Documentation consultant and originator of OpenReader format
Guest publishers


  1. Skypecasts are essentially geared to a closed (Skype) network. If you like those, check out http://www.TalkShoe.com where you can use any telephone, landline or cell phone, VoIP client or Skype. We are using tier one teleconferencing bridge hardware, so each caller is clear and of telephony quality. And if you have one caller whose connection is problematic, you have Host control of the audio bridge and the text chat (you can mute/un-mute each caller) so you can moderate and keep it clear and clean. And lastly, we record it and wrap it up for Podcasting! (you get a recording and RSS).

    It is Live, Interactive Podcasting (or simply live topic-based discussions) – which allows you to hold open discussions or connect with your audience of your existing Podcast, Blog, Radio Show, and more.

    Erik (the TalkShoe team)
    +1 (724) 935-talk

    ps. FYI, we also pay people to Host Talkcasts (since August). Cheers – hope you check us out and have fun with it

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