Threepress Consulting has gotten their Ibis Reader ready for the iPad. According to them if you have access to the iPad simulator you can run the Ibis Reader on it. They have a lot of technical information on their blog page and also some screenshots. Here’s one:



  1. A correction: the ibis is not really an iPad ebook reader. It’s a website that includes html5 and css that enhance the experience when viewed on an iPad. This is a slightly different animal than a native iPad ebook reader.

    If I understand the ibis folk properly, you upload books to their site, and then log on (with a computer or your iPad etc) and get to read the books, taking up wherever you left off when you last read them, regardless of the device you last used or are using now.

    This is a clever notion, and probably best suited to the future publisher-based ‘lending library in the sky.’

    This kind of announcement contradicts the print world’s recent pronouncement that the iPad and other slates will have ‘zero effect’ on publishing in 2010, doesn’t it?

    — asotir

  2. Ah! It’s the first ereader for the iPad simulator generally available to people outside the Apple testing community (I’m sure there are lots of folks running the Apple book reader on their iPads, it’s just that they’ve signed confidentiality agreements).

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