image My iPod Touch should arrive in another day or so. Anyone want a used Palm TX for around $165 and shipping, with a 1G memory card? Details are available by e-mail, and payment will be in advance via Pay Pal. I’ll include scads of public domain books and the already-installed PalmFiction Reader, which handles HTML, TXT, RTF and some other common formats.

The Palm is a great e-reading machine, but the ePub standard is the big thing in TeleRead territory nowadays, and I want to keep up with the latest apps for it. While the iPod Touch comes with major positives such as compatibility with the iPhone, a developer’s playground, the Palm still has a terrific screen, which, at 3.75 inches, is bigger than the Touch’s  3.5 inches. I’d definitely keep the Palm if the TeleBlog’s budget allowed.

Related: Felipe Sunol on the Touch vs. TX. Thanks Felipe!

Detail: Our Palm E-Reading Forum is still down. I hope Robert Nagle can resurrect it if/when he has time. Alas, interest was not at the level I’d hoped. But I’d still like to get the links back up if possible.

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  1. I still have not heard anyone state the font size on the iPod Touch. I bought a Kindle because the Palm largest font was still too small, although it was readable, it was not as comfortable. Also, the Kindle can be readily read outdoors, the Palm cannot. I still have both, but I don’t use my Palm any more to read books, just to keep shopping lists, notes, etc.

  2. Hey David, thanks for the plug! You’re welcome! Let me know as soon as it arrives and i’ll be more than glad to provide you with several tips…

    @Al: The App I’m using right now on my iPod is Stanza, once the books are transferred to it (through Desktop Stanza) or downloaded you can actually change different settings, the fonts, chapters and pages within the App, and other settings such as Controls & Effects, Colors and Fonts, Text formatting etc. on the iPod’s Settings. I have to admit that the reading experience is pretty good, besides the iPod has a portable size (as to fit in your pocket) and does many other things rather than just being an eBook reader. Check out my screenshots of Fitzgerald’s ‘Benjamin Button’ to get a glimpse of the interface. The default is black text on white background, however I’ve set mine to the inverse in order to reduce the strain and increase battery life.

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