6a00e54ed05fc288330133f50c6af1970b-800wi.jpgFrom the Kindle Daily Post:

We’re excited to announce that the games, Mine Sweeper, EA Solitaire, and Triple Town are now available on Kindle.

Mine Sweeper is a free Kindle game where you have to clear a minefield without detonating a mine. Mine Sweeper is free so we encourage you to check it out.

Solitaire from Electronic Arts contains the 12 different modes of card game play — the Klondike game you know and love, as well as 11 other variants: Pyramid, Yukon, Golf, Freecell, Wasp, Peaks, Canfield, Spiderette, Eliminator, Easthaven, and Baker’s Dozen. This version of Solitaire comes with handy features such as a “Tutorial Mode” that will get you started on the different game play variants, optional in-game “Tips” as well as an “Auto-Move” feature that will help you out when you’re stuck and don’t know what to do next.

Triple Town from Spry Fox is a new puzzle, strategy game–exclusively developed for, and available only on Kindle. The objective is to try to grow the greatest possible city. You build your city by matching three or more game-pieces: combine three grasses to make a flower, three flowers to make a bush, three bushes to make a tree…until you’ve filled the board with houses, cathedrals and castles. Along the way, you’ll have to outwit evil barbarians and wizards who will try to block your progress.


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