image For £100 or about $200, you’ll soon be able to buy an Elonex laptop and get “wireless access to internet, eMail, word processing, spreadsheets, and MP3s” and even enjoy a tablet mode. So goes the publicity in various places. This apparently is only for the U.K. market now, but at that price, maybe the machine will make it to the U.S. Downside is that the resolution on the seven inch screen could be better for e-reading—it’s 800 x 480 pixel. See Wikipedia for full specs.

The Elonex is just one of a number of tiny, low-cost laptops listed by Liliputing, which separately notes that refurbs of the EEE PC are now popping up for as little as $257 via Amazon sellers. Wait. Make that $246 as of this writing.


  1. “Downside is that the resolution on the seven inch screen could be better for e-reading—it’s 800 x 480 pixel.”

    My first computer had a 12″ monitor with VGA resolution. I read on that just fine. I’m sure you had a similar screen back in the day. Any screen that has a higher DPI is just gravy. Stop whining you big baby.

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